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Q: How long does TDS Paint Shield last?

A: Lasts for years with minimal maintenance (averages 5-7+ years)

Q: Will it turn yellow?

A: Our product is warranted to not yellow.

Q: What maintenance does TDS paint shield require?

A: Regular cleaning with soap and water. Periodic application of a conditioning product such as 303 or a clear coat compatible auto wax 4 times a year.

Q: What happens if I want to take it off?

A: Removable using a heat gun and/or steam. Underneath you will find your paint looking like new after years of driving.

Q: Can I wash my vehicle immediately after Paint film is installed?

A: We recommend that you wait a minimum of 24 hours before washing.

Q: It looks like there are some cloudy patches or bubbles under the paint film, is this normal?

A: During the curing process, cloudy patches or bubbles may form and will completely disappear . Exposure to sunlight and warmer temperatures speeds up this process.

Q: Isn't it expensive?

A: The cost of the Paint film is far less than the cost of restoring your vehicles factory finish after it is damaged. TDS paint film protects your factory finish and Saves time and money.